Tuesday, November 22, 2011



    *  17 :  Are American girls different from British girls ?
    * Joshua Bowman :  Absolutely ! The banter is different, even the language is different. American girls are very endearing to me because it's something I'm not used to.  But the best type of girl is respectful, trustworthy, and honest, and you don't get that in Hollywood.  When I move back to London one day, hopefully I'll find my belle.

    * 17 :  When you're dating in the US, it's a big deal to make the relationship official.....
    * JB : I'm going to stop you there, because what the hell is " dating " ? Basically, two people can fool around  with other people, but then when they're together. they're together.  I don't get that at all.  For me, it's either on it's off.

    * 17 :  Do you fall in love easily ?
    * JB :  I am a hopeless romantic. We all become Shakespeare when we fall in love.  We become poets. Love letters, sending flowers - I love all that.

    * 17 :  Have you ever been burned ?
    * JB :  Yes. But I'd rather be hurt than hurt someone else.  That's why, most of the time, I'm not the one to end the relationship. I just pick the bad girls. My grandma used to say,  " Only a fool make the same mistake twice. " But I always make the same mistake. I'm quite naive in love.

                                                               Seventeen Magazine

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